Friday, January 25, 2013

Kindergarten Korner


 It is official…we have been in Kindergarten for 100 days! (101, to be exact)!!  Thank you for your help with all the snack items.  The kiddos did a lot of counting and filled their little bags with 100 items to eat!  Okay, now for the next question….just how many more days are there of kindergarten!  The answer is simply plenty!

 Next week is another super busy week with the celebration of National Lutheran Schools Week.  It all kicks off on Sunday with church services here at Christ Lutheran at 8:00 and 10:30 with fellowship and Bible Classes at 9:15.  We hope to have lots of families join us for a wonderful morning!
         Monday the kindergarten children are to wear their green shirt and I think most of you have one-if not you may another green shirt that is not your official polo!  And wear some silly, crazy socks for the day!  We have a special school opening in the courtyard at 8:15 a.m.  Tuesday is wear your CLS Spirit Shirt Day. Wednesday (busy, busy) Dress-Up Day-“Glad to Be a Child of God” chapel message led by K-1-8:15 a.m.  Off to Briarwood Nursing Center with preschool to sing to the residents (9:45-10:45).  Make sure your child brings his booster seat, if needed! Family Fun Night at Larry’s Pizza (Bowman) with your ever cheerful teachers to serve you-5-8 p.m. Thursday FREE Tag Day.  And finally Friday-“A Day in the Tropics” wear your beach clothes-and bring a board game to play with our chapel buddies in the gym at 2:15!!

And oh, yes, we have our regular school work to which we will attend…

Religion- We are preparing our chapel service message for Wed., Jan. 30. Hope to see you at 8:15 a.m.  Our Lord’s Prayer study will be completed and a special booklet will come home at the end of the week!

Reading-Two new letters revealed: Ww as heard at the beginning of wagon, west and wiggle and the letter/sound of Xx as heard at the “end” of box, ax, and fix.  Our new sight words will be: No, no and See, see!

Math- Money, money, money as we pay for items to $1.00 using dimes, identifying the seasons and comparing temperatures during different seasons, and comparing longer and shorter, and we are writing/recognizing/counting numbers up to 16!

Science/Social Studies-It’s time to talk “Ground Hog” and shadows.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Kindergarten Korner

Dear Parents,

         Whew what a week of weather, huh!!!  Hopefully things are now back to normal!!

Religion- We are preparing our chapel service message for Wed., Jan. 30.  We hope to see many of you join us for “Glad to Be a Child of God”!  The Lord’s Prayer is being studied as well!

Reading-We continue to delve into vowel Oo and -ot and –op word families!

Math- It is “catch up” from last week as we missed a lesson due to the weather and schedule changes.  We will use our pattern blocks and learn how to make design in more than one way, we will solve some problems by acting them out and by drawing pictures to solve them.
            And we are right on target for 100th Day (Thursday) so that means more activities with the number 100! Remember to bring your requested snack item by Wednesday!!

Science/Social Studies-Finishing up winter with polar bears and penguins.   The birds (and squirrels) have enjoyed our feeders in the courtyard!

Valentine’s Day: The kindergarten children will be making their very own “mailboxes” for all the great valentines they will be receiving.  To help with this each child needs to bring a regular shoe box to school by Friday, February 1.  The plainer the box the better!!!  Please make sure the child’s name is written on the bottom of the box!  If you have trouble locating one just let me know as I have a few at my house that I would gladly “give up” for someone to use!!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Kindergarten Korner

Dear Parents,

 We are back at it!!  Getting down to business in the 2nd semester of Kindergarten!

 I do want to say “Thank You” once again for a great Christmas party for your children.  They enjoyed the celebration of Jesus’ Birthday.  Thank you also for all the kind remembrances shown to me!  I especially look forward to “spending” the gift card for The Good Earth-I will probably use it when spring once again returns and I think about what new plants I want in my yard!!

Religion:  Next week we will begin our study of The Lord’s Prayer!  We will talk about the meaning behind all those big words.  The children will have a special booklet to bring home when we have completed our study!

Reading-This past week we added the “b-b” ball sound and the sound “k-k” kitten!  Next week we finally get to another vowel-Oo as heard at the beginning of otter, ostrich and octagon.  We will also talk about  –ot family words!  New sight words are Do, do and What, what!!

Math- We will begin to identify numbers 0-20, follow a recipe using a 1-cup measuring cup, we will identify and use a quart container and identify full, half-full and empty containers.  Sounds interesting, huh???
   100th Day is approaching (Jan. 24 as long as the weather cooperates) so we will also include activities that involve the number 100!  I may be asking you for a little help in gathering some little treats like choc chips, M & M’s, Jelly beans, and other fun “snacky” items. So watch for that info next week!!

Science/Social Studies-Winter has been our hot topic!  We will also spend time discussing Martin Luther King Jr. and the changes he helped to bring to our country in making laws fair for everyone. 
Nature Club has been learning about birds-we will  be making bird feeders to place on the trees in the courtyard!  Hopefully we will attract some little “snackers” and have the opportunity to observe them!