Friday, November 30, 2012

Kindergarten Korner

                                                                                                           Friday, November 30 

 I have Kindergarten working feverishly before the Christmas fever truly sets in and they decide to check themselves out for the holiday!!  Did you like my “play” on words???

Religion-Next week we will be finishing up Old Testament stories about King Solomon and move into the season ADVENT!  It is time to prepare for JESUS!

Reading-Two new letters will be added to our repertoire-Ll as heard at the beginning of lion, lamb and love!  Then Hh as we hear at the beginning of home, heart and hug!  So be watching for that letter homework.  New sight words will be Have, have and You, you! 

Math-We will be learning about the cube shape!  We continue to work on patterns, one to one correspondence with numbers, problem solving, making line segments on our geoboards to make specific shapes (great fun)!  So it is a busy time in math as well!!

Science/Social Studies-Planting more bulbs in the courtyard-want things to look pretty in the spring! We will be doing lots of Christmas activities during this time and also talk about other holidays that take place in December.  It is a very interesting month!

Chapel-We have now collected $166.57 for the Giving Tree.  Can we reach the $225 goal???
I will update you next week how our purchases are going for our foster children.

Chapel Buddies-It is a tradition for K/8th grade chapel buddies to exchange gifts at Christmas.  Gift cards are a great idea for our buddies.  Do not plan to spend more than $5.00 for this gift!!  Our Christmas gathering is scheduled for Friday, Dec. 21-first thing in the a.m.

Jesus Birthday Party-On Friday, Dec. 21-1:00 p.m.-during this party the classroom children each bring a gift for another child in the room.  I have the boys bring a gift for a boy and the girls each bring a gift for a girl.  These need to be wrapped and simply labeled with a tag that tells who the gift is from-we do not purchase for a specific person.  I have my special system in place for the time when we have the classroom exchange!  Again please do not spend more than $5.00!





Friday, November 16, 2012

Kindergarten Korner-November 16, 2012

What a great day we had for Grandparents’ Day!  The kids were so excited to have their grandparents come and visit at school!  Be sure to let grandma and grandpa know that their presence was very much appreciated!  Thanks for helping to make this special day possible!!
Hey-we now have a total of $156.54 for the Giving Tree and will be purchasing gifts for two foster children-a 5 year old boy named Treshaun and a 3 year old little girl named Aaleiyah!  My challenge is still out there to collect $225 to help a third child!!  Your generosity is truly outstanding.
Special date-Thursday, Dec. 20-ALL SCHOOL Children’s Christmas service, Christmas Jubilee-6:30!  What a wonderful service this will be-mark it on your calendar and look for more info after Thanksgiving!
 The Scholastic Book Fair has been quite a success (thanks, in part, to our wonderful grandparents)!  Thank you for supporting books and the importance they play in the lives of children!!!  Eleven books have been added to the Kindergarten class library!  I will enjoy sharing all of them with the children in the weeks to come!
And finally I want to say “Thank You” for being a part of the Christ Lutheran family!  You are such a blessing to the staff here at CLCS and we appreciate everything you do and will continue to do!!  May your Thanksgiving be blessed and safe!!

Friday, November 9, 2012

Kindergarten Korner

                                                                                                Friday, November 9
As I am attempting to become more technologically savvy your weekly paper copy of Friday parent notes will continue, but it will also be available on our Kindergarten blog, titled as “Kindergarten Korner” (see
To follow our Kindergarten blog enter your email address under “Follow by Email” and submit.
Religion-Being God’s “thankful people”!  We have so many blessings for which to be thankful!  God is good!!

Reading-Finally another vowel –Ii-as heard at the beginning of inchworm, itch, and igloo!  We will be ready to write _it, _in and _ig words!!!

Math-We will continue to work with the balance scale using terms heavier and lighter and looking at shapes (sorting by shape, size and color) and then find and name the missing shape from our “matrix” puzzle!!

Science/Social Studies-Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving!!

Chapel-Wow I am already impressed –the kindergarten children already have a grand total of $102 for the Giving Tree!!!  Do I dare up the challenge to $225 so that we can purchase gifts for 3 foster children????

Scholastic Book Fair-It’s the happening thing next week!!!  Plan to come and check it out!  There will also be a special $1 TAG DAY on Tuesday, but the children are to wear some type of “team sports shirt”-it can be their soccer shirt, a jersey representing a sports team, etc.  The money collected will go to buy books for our Giving Tree foster children!!

Grandparents’ Day-We are looking forward to enjoying a wonderful with our Grandparents.  For the children this is a DRESS-UP Day which means they are to wear their regular school clothes or NICER!!  So girls are welcome to wear their favorite dress and the boys can show off their ties-I do recommend regular school shoes for running around on the playground!  Grandparents may also visit the book fair with their grandkids!

Chapel Buddies-It is a tradition for K/8th grade chapel buddies to exchange gifts at Christmas.  You will receive more info about this, but I just wanted to get you thinking about it at this time.  Do not plan to spend more than $5.00 for this gift!!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Kindergarten Korner

It’s been one of those wild and busy weeks with our “election” talk and preparing for Red Ribbon Day!  But what fun!!!  However, I am hoping next week will be just a tad calmer!!
            Thank you, parents, for taking time to attend your child’s parent/teacher conference.  It was good to spend that time together.  Thank you for your promptness-I was the one who got a little off-schedule
Religion-It’s all about David next week-the boy who slays the giant and becomes king over God’s people!

Reading-New letters-Gg as heard at the beginning of goat, girl and gas-but not the giraffe sound and Ff as heard at the beginning of fan, fish and fruit!  Watch for that letter sound homework during the week!  New sight words will be Go, go and To, to!!

Math- Number 9 will be featured!  We will continue to work with pennies and “buy” some items up to 10¢ from our pretend store!  We will copy and identify AB patterns!  The balance scale will be introduced as we “weigh” in on heavier and lighter-kids have great fun with this!!

Science/Social Studies-We will be watching the election closely!  Thanksgiving is approaching so we will be talking Native Americans/Pilgrims!

Chapel-It is time for our annual Giving Tree offering.  During November and December our chapel offering will go towards purchasing gifts for foster children.  The kindergarten class is responsible for one child, but I am throwing the challenge out there to bring in enough money to purchase Christmas gifts for 2 foster children-that means collecting a total of $150 by December 19!!  Let’s put some JOY on the faces of children this Christmas!!

Chapel Buddies-It is a tradition for K/8th grade chapel buddies to exchange gifts at Christmas.  You will receive more info about this, but I just wanted to get you thinking about it at this time.  Do not plan to spend more than $5.00 for this gift!!